911Cellular Blog

Premier emergency communication education

#MeToo, the Silence Breakers, and our Stance on Assault


Time Magazine recently just made the “Silence Breakers”; the women (and some men) who came forward to talk about sexual assault or harassment, their people of the Year. This is a significant step in the right direction as far as providing people an outlet to share their stories and feel safer coming forward when they’ve been attacked or assaulted.

We talk about the Clery Act often, and we consider ourselves to be be well informed and knowledgable about the Clery Act. It is important for you to know about what the Clery Act is and how it can affect you or your child’s safety on campus. The institution’s police department or security departments are required to maintain a public log of all crimes reported to them, or those of which they are made aware. These public logs should be made available on college websites or by the request of the student or the parent(s) of the student. No student should ever feel afraid to tell campus police or trusted officials about a rape that occurred or an assault that took place. If a movement like #MeToo can make students feel safer and give them the ability to talk about something that happened to them, then we support that movement.

The same goes for anyone who has ever been sexually assaulted. They should feel safe enough to come forward as soon as it happens. From sexual harassment in the work place to sexual assault in an alley; we need to protect the victims of these heinous crimes… not make them feel insecure about coming forward.

If you have been a victim and feel you can not come forward, please call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE (4673). You should not suffer alone. You deserve to be supported and cared for. You can get more information here: https://centers.rainn.org


iReports can be sent anonymously and can include photos or videos.

Also, find out if your campus or city offer services like iReport. You can send anonymous tips or send emergency texts. You can also send photos and videos… all anonymously. If you feel you can’t make a police report, you can at least send the police the information so they know. There are are a lot of cities and campuses that work with 911Cellular and similar companies, and they do so to protect you and your identity. You can be the person that helps stop these monsters from attacking innocent people.

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Tags: I report Sexual harassment # me too Sexual assault Clery act Silence breakers Public safety Assault

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