911Cellular Blog

Premier emergency communication education

The Comprehensive Safety Solution: Made to Fit Your Organization


There’s a lot the 911Cellular solution can do for almost any organization, regardless of size or industry… and for that it can be accurately labelled the comprehensive safety solution. But perhaps the most beneficial aspect of the 911Cellular solution is its ability to fit within your organization like a glove.

How can such an all-in-one safety solution be so adaptable?

Within the 911Cellular Portal, clients can manage, send and receive information for their entire suite of products. The ‘backbone’ of the Portal is the Zone Structure, which allows Portal Admins to mimic their own organization’s structure (example below):

Safety Solution

As seen above, Zones can be nested within one another to accurately reflect your organization’s structure (this is a representation of how the Zone Structure section in the Portal looks for Admins to manage).

The purpose for the Zone Structure is to provide a base upon which Portal Users, Geofences, and other Portal elements are laid. Each Zone within the Zone Structure then serves to direct the flow of information (based on which Portal elements are assigned to which Zone) within your organization.

The adaptability and simplicity of the Zone Structure takes the confusion and frustration out of using a wide-scale emergency communication system. Portal Admins setting up the Zone Structure can be as granular as they’d like… choosing to mimic the entirety of their organization… or simply choosing to create a few basic Zones (for smaller organizations or teams).

Zone Structure is just one of the many reasons that the 911Cellular solution is the complete, comprehensive safety solution. The expertly designed, all-in-one 911Cellular Portal is a seamless experience, created to house all functions for every 911Cellular product. And when lives are potentially at risk… this comprehensive yet easy-to-use solution is what sets 911Cellular apart from the rest.

To learn more about 911Cellular’s complete and comprehensive safety solution, visit our website.

Tags: Workplace safety Hospital safety Safety solutions School safety Reliable safety Higher education safety Public safety

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