911Cellular Blog

Premier emergency communication education

Feature Focus: Blue Light Tower System Integration

Welcome to this week’s Feature Focus, where we highlight a specific aspect of the 911Cellular Solution and find out what makes it so valuable. Today we’re focusing on integrating 911Cellular software into your existing blue light tower system.

An easily identifiable symbol of safety, blue light towers can be seen across universities, hospitals, and public spaces nationwide. The premise of the blue light tower is simple, to provide an easy way for the public to notify safety forces in the event of an emergency. Blue light towers remove the need to remember an emergency phone number, dial a phone, or locate a nearby safety officer. Activations made through a blue light tower are typically routed back to an organization’s dispatch center in the form of a phone call or pager notification.

Streamlining your response system

It’s now possible to integrate your blue light tower system with the 911Cellular Portal. After the easy integration process, blue light tower activations will be routed and displayed in your 911Cellular Portal. Each activation is viewable within its own separate, collapsible tab that indicates which blue light tower the activation is coming from and its location. Directing all emergency communication points (regular call ins, panic button activations, blue light tower activations, etc.) to one place can drastically reduce emergency response times. Furthermore, dispatchers will no longer need to monitor multiple emergency systems.

Analyzing emergency data is made easy

When an incident is deemed resolved by a dispatcher, each call / activation can be given a custom label (configured by your organization). Dispatchers can easily apply the category of ‘blue light activation’ to calls received from a blue light tower once resolved. This helps tremendously for categorization purposes when analyzing past emergency call data coming from both blue light towers and other sources (like regular call-ins or other panic buttons). Armed with this data safety forces can more intelligently preempt and respond to emergency events.

If your organization has a blue light tower system and utilizes the 911Cellular Portal, integration is simple, impactful, and does not incur additional costs. To begin the integration process, please have your blue light tower provider reach out to support@911cellular.com. We will work directly with your provider to best integrate your blue light tower system with the 911Cellular Portal. If you have any questions or need more information please visit our website.

Tags: Panic buttons Hospital safety School safety Campus safety Blue light towers Higher education safety Public safety

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