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Becoming Alyssa’s Law Compliant 101

On February 14, 2018, a gunman opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 people. One of the victims of this horrific tragedy was Alyssa Alhadeff, a 14 year old talented writer and soccer player. In the wake of her daughter’s death, Lori Alhadeff, Alyssa’s mother, took action to prevent future school violence. This is how Alyssa’s law was created.

What is Alyssa’s Law? Alyssa’s Law is critical legislation which addresses law enforcement response time when a life-threatening emergency occurs. The law calls for the installation of silent panic alarms that are directly linked to law enforcement.

Where is Alyssa’s Law active and what does it mean?

  • New JerseyAlyssa’s Law PASSED in New Jersey on 2/6/2019 and has gone into effect. requiring all New Jersey public schools to install silent panic alarms that will alert law enforcement during emergencies such as an active shooter, or to employ an alternative emergency mechanism approved by the Department of Education. “Alyssa’s Law” will become a state requirement for all public elementary and secondary schools.
  • FloridaAlyssa’s Law PASSED in Florida on 6/30/2020 and has gone into effect. The law requires that each public school building in the state must be equipped with at least one panic alarm for use in a school security emergency, including, but not limited to, a non-fire evacuation, lockdown, or active shooter situation. The panic alarm must be directly linked to the local law enforcement agencies that are designated as first responders to the school’s campus and must immediately transmit a signal or message to those authorities upon activation.
  • New YorkAlyssa’s Law has been submitted and is still working its way through committee.
  • NebraskaAlyssa’s Law has been proposed

How can my school become or remain compliant with Alyssa’s Law?

The law calls for the installation of silent panic alarms that are directly linked to law enforcement. The NIST-tested 911Cellular Compliance Solution keeps schools within the law and provides maximum panic button protection. Have your school become or remain Alyssa’s Law compliant by deploying 911Cellular’s Computer Panic Buttons, Mobile App Panic Buttons, or Physical / Wearable Panic Buttons. School’s can deploy one of these panic button solutions or create a layered and interconnected safety system of multiple panic button solutions. All 911Cellular panic button solutions can be deployed in a contact-free manner, with no on-site setup needed, or hardware installation.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming or remaining Alyssa’s Law compliant please visit the 911Cellular website.

Tags: Panic buttons Preventing school shootings School safety Higher education safety Public safety

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